Lyrical Moments Photography

International Award Winning Wedding Photojournalist from Singapore

Another happy couple, from Holland

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Been a while since I’ve updated my blog. The past few weeks had been really busy and very fulfilling. Did a really interesting photoshoot in the theatre studio of the Esplanade, more photos will come later 🙂

One of the fulfilments as a professional wedding photographer is the completion of a couple’s wedding album, after all the blood and sweat that has been put into it (and being a perfectionist doesn’t make my life any easier). But the greatest fulfilments in my career is the joy you see in people when they receive their book, and the pat on the shoulder for a job well done.

Lyrical Moments has seen another happy couple, though both of them are in Netherlands and I can’t see their faces, satisfied customers will always write good things about you, here’s her post on Singapore Brides forum.

Here’s the link:

Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 – 5:17 pm:

“I would like to share my wedding photos taken in Netherlands, taken by “Stephen from Lyrical Moments”. He has captured moments where it speaks of our wedding day, the story of our day. Looking at them brings back the memories of the day and also our journey in our relationships till now. He is very professional in his work and what is the best is he is able to capture so naturally of who we are and our family. He has crafted it into a video clip with a beautiful song he has selected which surprises us and touches our family and friends especially those who missed our weddings. No regrets and money well spend.”

For those of you who would like to see their album, the couple has given me their kind permission to showcase their wedding day photos in the magazine style format here:

Well Elizabeth and Jeroen, thank you very much for the opportunity. I’m really honoured to document those moments which you will certainly cherish for the rest of your life. Congratulations!

Written by lyricalmoments

September 22, 2006 at 12:54 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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