Lyrical Moments Photography

International Award Winning Wedding Photojournalist from Singapore

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

We’ve moved!

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Dear all,

Have finally decided to move to a new blog address. This time round, my blog will be sitting on a local host, so that’s great news for everyone 🙂

Here’s the link



Written by lyricalmoments

December 18, 2008 at 5:28 pm

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Some shots taken right after his first concert performance in school.  No photos from the performance because organisers has requested the parents to refrain from taking videos and photos because it can be really distracting, and despite the reminders from the emcees, we still have some members of the audience waving frantically when their kids performed to get their attention to look towards the camera.

Just a few thoughts…

1. Waving and getting attention from your kid while he/she performs on stage is simply inconsiderate. Not only do you distract the child in performing his/her best, but I as an audience would be put off in someone in front of me starts standing up and take pictures.

2. I know my kid spent hours rehearsing for the 2 minute performance and Tristan been talking about it weeks before the performance and how he looks forward to mummy and daddy being there to watch him.  I’m there to give my fullest support and I want to give him my fullest attention.  Comeon how often do these opportunities come by?  Emcee already announced that photos has been taken during the rehearsal and available for ordering downstairs, and a professional video crew was actually on site to produce a DVD (which costs only $30 anyway).  It’s really sad to see people busy with taking photos, rather than being there to support and enjoy the performance. Yes, you can view the video/ photos over and over again back home, but the experience is going to be different.

3. It’s a reflection of how much people respect the organisers wishes for no photography.  Getting in the way of the professional crew doing their job is one thing, disregarding the reminders (and mind you, the words “no photography” of the performance were printed in bold on the invitation card) simply shows how much respect people have for others.  I’m beginning to understand why sometimes our youth and children acts this way.

Can’t help it but took a quick shot while I was walking out of the concert hall to pick up my kid. The beauty of range finders, they’re absolutely quiet and f-stop 1.0 allows you to shoot in almost pitch darkness w/o flash 🙂

Anyway, some photos of Tristan in his Bee costumes. I love my Noctilux 😛

Written by lyricalmoments

October 31, 2008 at 11:32 am

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Out of town notice

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Alright folks, I know this come a bit late, I’m currently doing photoshoot in Paris and London and will be back in Singapore on 28 August.  In the meantime, I’ll be a little slow in replying your emails because of my schedule and limited connection to the net.

Au Voir! 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

August 23, 2008 at 2:49 pm

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1 year older today …

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I’m another year older (and wiser) today!

First thing I heard this morning, “Happy birthday Daddy!” (courtesy of son #1)

Next thing I found out when I walked pass my computer, AGWPJA Quarter 2 competition results are out, exceptionally early this time round, and I’ve bagged 4 more awards!

Alright, back to cooking the steak dinner 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

August 16, 2008 at 6:44 pm

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Kyan’s Baptism

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After 3 (as far as I can remember) postponements, the 1-year-old baby of our family finally got baptised in Church of the Sacred Heart today. Compared to his elder brother’s baptism, Kyan’s had a much simpler ceremony because there were only 2 kids being baptised for the month.

Some pictures taken during the ceremony:
I just love the way he stared at Fr Paul Tay

Fortunately & unfortunately, he didn’t get himself dunked into water like his older brother did.



Getting quite restless…

Getting *very* restless

Written by lyricalmoments

July 8, 2008 at 12:05 am

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Off to Melbourne (again)

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I just hate packing my luggage before any trip because of this perpetual feeling of inadequacy – have I missed something?

The last trip to Melbourne almost got me into frenzy at the airport when I realised I didn’t apply for visa, but thankfully, the visa that I applied 3 months earlier was still valid…

Think what I’ll miss most would be my folks at home, especially the 2 boys. Guess I’ll be looking at these photos when I’m there…

Had a picnic at Pasir Ris park yesterday morning and took these photos of the kids:

Written by lyricalmoments

April 21, 2008 at 9:42 am

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Brian & Poh Yen – 11 Jan 2008

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Okay, this is a back log but I’m going to post it anyway 😉 Shot this wedding just before I left for Melbourne, and finally done editing it.

Love the beautiful lighting 🙂

The little nephew

The groom with his bouquet (and don’t ask me what he was doing)
Regent hotel
Love the setting for the solemnisation

One of the those rare moments when the cork flies out of the bottle
Everyone wants a mum like this

I just love this shot, the way he looks at her. A fine example of photos that can’t be staged 🙂

Brian & Poh Yen, congrats once again, thanks for waiting and I’m sure you’ll agree that good things are worth waiting for! 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

February 15, 2008 at 3:57 pm

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Off to Melbourne

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Alrighty, I know I’m lame, haven’t been able to update the blog as regularly as I wanted. Just spent the past 3 hours trying to book a hotel to stay in Melbourne and all thanks to the Australian Open, everything’s fully booked and with a chop-head price tag.

My little Kyan is staring at me while I’m packing my luggage, probably wondering what’s daddy doing with this contraption….

Will be back on 22 Jan @ 5am, really unearthly hour, and it happens to be Thaipusum, which I’ll probably give it a miss this year….sigh.

Better go look for my passport…

Written by lyricalmoments

January 16, 2008 at 6:01 pm

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5 Jan 2008 – Anna & Gerald

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The groom of this wedding happens to be the brother of one of my clients, Geraldine.

Woke up really early in the morning to catch the cab to Johor Bahru.

Some of my favourite shots 🙂

Through the looking glass

Firecrackers (no kidding, they’re real, and it goes to show this ain’t Singapore!)

The mirror just happened to be there:

Written by lyricalmoments

January 6, 2008 at 4:10 pm

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Adam & Janelle – 28 Dec 2007

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This is one of the series that I’m very happy with, do check it out, I’m not going to say more 🙂
My favourite photo from their series:

PS: I’ll be doing a photoshoot with Ian (who happened to be the bestman for Adam) and Gloria in Melbourne 😉

Written by lyricalmoments

December 29, 2007 at 4:03 pm

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