Lyrical Moments Photography

International Award Winning Wedding Photojournalist from Singapore

Posts Tagged ‘photography

Cheryl & Eric (part I)

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Shot another beautiful wedding over the past weekend and Cheryl & Eric are such nice folks and easy to work with.  Cheryl is your girl-next-door and Eric’s the cool dude, both of them really lived the moments on their big day, so bravo to both of you!







We were really blessed with good light when we did the outdoor photoshoot.



Love boat 🙂



More to come later… 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

December 1, 2008 at 4:57 pm

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Karen & Ryan – Part I

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Couple of photos from a recent shoot. Karen happened to be the sister (the real-blood sister, have to qualify that since the word “sister” in chinese weddings might mean bridesmaids) of Elizabeth, one of my long time friends back in uni days, and only until the day we met up to show Karen and Ryan my works, did I realise how Elizabeth and Karen are related.

This is one really fun and loving couple and here’s the first part of their wedding photos, a series of portraits that has a good mix of quirk, elegance and fun.






I can’t help smiling everytime I look at this one


One of their favourite images from the series.





Written by lyricalmoments

November 22, 2008 at 4:59 pm


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Ok ok, apologies for neglecting this blog for a while… and to all the clients who’ve been bugging and spamming MSN messages to update my blog, here’s one of the series that I shot recently.

Tricia and Issac were one of the first couples to meet up with me in 2008 and time really flies!

The gown from Amanda Lee Weddings.

The sisters (and I mean blood sisters) getting ready

Carebear Stare :p

Not curtains

The groom and his groomsmen, one of the happened to be the 1st runner-up of Singapore Idol, Jonathan Leong…eh let’s focus our attention on the bride and groom.

I love Tricia’s expression here.

Stairs (no Carebear :D)



Hotel staff arranging the champange tower. Simply love the moment, that happened only 1 sec.

Kiss before their march-in


The groom and his bass.


These 2 are really quirky shots…


Kiss by the rose

More updates before the beginning of next week, I promise 😀

Written by lyricalmoments

October 21, 2008 at 10:00 pm

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Bridal from UK

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Time to update more photos from the last trip in Europe, next series to showcase is in UK.

Had the priviledge to work on a series with a couple who have been working in London for the longest time, and they are finally tying the knot in their hometown in Penang next year…and yes, yours truly will be the one documenting their weddding day as well 🙂

Catherine and Jun are really fun to shoot and they never failed to bring us to nice eateries, especially the famous roasted duck at Four Seasons, which is simply amazing, especially the skin 😛 (which btw, we visited it 3 times in total, and I’ve yet to check my cholestrol level…)

Some of my favourites from the series:


Unlike the Paris couple, we didn’t have an umbrella when it rained. Really like the mood and feel of this image.

Once again, thanks to Catherine & June for bringing us around London, and I have to say it again, the duck rice is damn jolly good!

Written by lyricalmoments

September 26, 2008 at 4:29 am

Bridal from Paris

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Can’t believe how time flies when we’re all busy – it’s been a month since we got back from Paris!

Weather in Paris is pretty warm and relatively humid, it rained on the day we shot there, but at the end of the day, we had a really great session.

Gowns are designed and sewn by the talented Dax Lye, who flew with us to Paris and shopping shooting with him around was fun, especially the Louis Vuitton and Hermes and La Maison du Chocolat *GRIN*

Anyway, here are some of the shots from the Paris series:

This is what I love about my job, capturing fleeting moments like this – the right kind of dog with the right colour running in the right direction at the right time.

Something a bit more moody…

I just love the different elements coming together in various layers.

Our male subject has this things for veils…don’t ask me why, pictures with him toying with these look the best in the series 😀

Photoshooting in the rain – Photographer love it, couple don’t mind it, gown designer (i.e Dax) crying somewhere right outside of the picture, hee…

Oh, umbrella courtesy of Meng, our driver. Luckily it was a non-branded umbrella…meaning, no flashy words like ‘Sony’ ‘Panasonic’ ‘LG’ 

Another of those quirky pictures from the series…


There’s a childlike and timeless quality to this picture. One of my favourites from the series…

Moody skies again.

Many thanks to the couple, Derrick & Corinne for being such  great sport; Dax for his magic hand (and brush) in making the couple look stunning; Joe for assisting the shoot.

Written by lyricalmoments

September 25, 2008 at 10:53 am

1 year older today …

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I’m another year older (and wiser) today!

First thing I heard this morning, “Happy birthday Daddy!” (courtesy of son #1)

Next thing I found out when I walked pass my computer, AGWPJA Quarter 2 competition results are out, exceptionally early this time round, and I’ve bagged 4 more awards!

Alright, back to cooking the steak dinner 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

August 16, 2008 at 6:44 pm

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James & Yenling – 25 June 2008

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A recent wedding to share. Though James & Yenling had a very simple wedding on a weekday, we had one of the most ra-ra crowd ever. Dinner was pretty much a walk about event, people were half their time on their feet, going around the tables to mingle, chat and of course, the booze. 😛

Some pictures from the series that I like a lot:

This one’s damn funny. Poor pig!

And even after several bottles of wine, the couple was still very sober!


Written by lyricalmoments

July 8, 2008 at 5:24 pm

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Lyrical Moments ranked overall #2 worldwide in AGWPJA Q1 2008!!!

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I’m very delighted to announce our latest achievement in the Quarter 1 2008 Artistic Guild WPJA competition ( we’ve just been named as the overall 2nd placing, and I’m very honoured to be ranked amongst international acclaimed wedding photographers like Jeff Ascough (whose work I like a lot)!

And I’m really happy to be the first Singaporean to bag a 1st place in the AGWPJA competition! 🙂

Here are the 4 winning entries:

1st place, Off Camera Lighting

3rd placing, Reception

8th placing, Creative Portraits

 12th placing, Creative Portraits

Written by lyricalmoments

June 12, 2008 at 10:29 pm

WPJA Quarter 1 ’08 Results!!!!

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Just received some really great news today, I’ve just been named as one of the top 10 photographers in the Quarter 1 2008 Wedding Photojournalist Association  competition! The competition is judged by a panel of distinguished photojournalists from New York and Canada and I’m really honoured to be awarded overall 8th placing for this season. The 2 winning entries that are awarded 1st placing & 13th placing respectively happened to be from the same wedding I shot back in March this year, so many many many thanks to Ian & Gloria for the wonderful opportunity! 🙂

In 1st place: 

In 13th place:

woooooooooooohooooooooooooo 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

June 6, 2008 at 11:02 pm

Ben & Le-Hua in Melbourne (con’t)…

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Ok, this is a little overdue. Have been busy with all the backlogs and all the meetings of clients.  Since I got back from Melbourne, I’ve met no less than 16 couples (that’s almost 1 couple) every 2 days!

And I know, if I continue to procrastinate, I’ll probably be holding it till I’m back from Adelaide – yes, I’m flying to Down Under again for 2 weeks, this time round, my family is coming along.

Anyway, here are some of the highlights that I like a lot:

I love the lighting and mood of this picture.





And last but not least, the spunky Bridal Party!

Written by lyricalmoments

May 22, 2008 at 9:10 pm