Lyrical Moments Photography

International Award Winning Wedding Photojournalist from Singapore

Posts Tagged ‘AGWPJA

1 year older today …

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I’m another year older (and wiser) today!

First thing I heard this morning, “Happy birthday Daddy!” (courtesy of son #1)

Next thing I found out when I walked pass my computer, AGWPJA Quarter 2 competition results are out, exceptionally early this time round, and I’ve bagged 4 more awards!

Alright, back to cooking the steak dinner 🙂

Written by lyricalmoments

August 16, 2008 at 6:44 pm

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Lyrical Moments ranked overall #2 worldwide in AGWPJA Q1 2008!!!

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I’m very delighted to announce our latest achievement in the Quarter 1 2008 Artistic Guild WPJA competition ( we’ve just been named as the overall 2nd placing, and I’m very honoured to be ranked amongst international acclaimed wedding photographers like Jeff Ascough (whose work I like a lot)!

And I’m really happy to be the first Singaporean to bag a 1st place in the AGWPJA competition! 🙂

Here are the 4 winning entries:

1st place, Off Camera Lighting

3rd placing, Reception

8th placing, Creative Portraits

 12th placing, Creative Portraits

Written by lyricalmoments

June 12, 2008 at 10:29 pm

First award for 2008! :)

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AGWPJA results for 4th quarter 2007 has just been announced, and one of my favourite images from the Melbourne wedding I shot in Sept 2007 came in 14th under the Reception category.  This is also one of the judges’ favourite images (as mentioned in the comments).

Angel’s Kiss

Written by lyricalmoments

February 27, 2008 at 10:26 am